Well the February Full Moon (Wolf Moon) came and went this week, and we are waiting on a lot of things! We now have phone contact with Julia at the Federal TTB (had to send some photos of our building, etc), and looks like the State LCC has updated our status to“SCHEDULED FOR COMMISSION MEETING” this week.…any day now! We had to amend our application to include “entertainment” to the permit so we can keep hosting the diverse events that we host. What events would you like to see at the Honey House this summer?
While we wait, we are keeping plenty busy. We have the occasional honey and hive product sale(at the Copper Country Mall in Houghton this Saturday from 10-6), and we are having a mead tasting on February 16th at the Ontonagon Theater for the Performing Arts along with a Kitty Donohoe Concert! If you missed our summer tasting, this would be an opportunity to try some of John’s elixirs!
While we wait….we have some homebrews going…the latest is made with Alaskan Raspberries (20 pounds hand delivered by George!) and one Cyser (on the far right)
Melissa has been diligent in the studio, and will have several art pieces in the Great Lakes Showcase art show at Michigan Tech in March, and another art show at Finlandia’s Reflection Gallery in April. (Houghton and Hancock, MI) Melissa paints with pigmented beeswax.We will keep you posted as things progress with our winery application! Hopefully you will hear from us again soon. We will check back in on March 4th, as we “march forth” with our plans and dreams!
As always, wishing you sweetness and light as the daylight increases and the bees endure the last quarter of wintering…
Love, Melissa, John and the bees